Open-Realty 3.5.0 - So Many Updates
The focus on 3.5.0 is updating open-realty's dependencies, improving security, and bug fixes. All users are strongly recommended to upgrade. Please note that third party templates will likely need to be upgraded/adjusted as part of this due to the dependency upgrades.
[v3.5.0] - 2021-12-15
Fixes / Changes
- SECUIRTY PATCH: Fixed a file exposure bug in CKEditor Filemanager plugin.
- There were a number of other security bugs fixed in the js library upgrades etc..
- A number of possible undefined var errors
- Cookies are not http only, improving security
- Enabled Security Scanning for CI
- Fixed menu editor dropdown for Blog / Page selection not working
- Fix colorbox that broke with latest jquery version.
- Update php-cs-fixer to format the CKEditor filemanager plugin
- Removed Old Jquery Versions
- Remove Jquery 1.7.1
- Remove jquery-1.2.6 from CKEditor filemanager plugin
- Removed JQuery Tools - This Change the Slideshow, Featured Listings, and Listing Statistics templates.
- Moved CKEditor installation from composer to yarn.
- Moved Third Party JS Packages to YARN and updated versions
- superfish.js
- jquery.uniform
- ckeditor-youtube-plugin
- ckeditor-quicktable-plugin
- ckeditor4
- jquery.splitter
- jqueryfiletree
- jstree
- tablesorter
- jquery.impromptu
- jquery-filedrop
- lightSlider
- PHP Library Changes
- Replace aferrandini/phpqrcode library with endroid/qr-code library as phpqrcode was no longer maintained.
- Replaced dapphp/securimage with gregwar/captcha as securimage was no longer maintained.
- Removed js-tree package that was not being used.
- Update CKEditor Plugins
- YouTube
- TableResizer
- QuickTable
- Open-Realty Filemanager
- CkEditor Filemanager
- Fix bug in root folder protection
- Fix Generic Object Injection Sink warnings
- Log Viewer
- Remove Dead Code
- Fix Generic Object Injection Sink warnings
Template Changes
- admin/template/OR_small/main.html
- admin/template/default/addon_manager.html
- admin/template/default/blog_edit_index.html
- admin/template/default/listing_template_editor.css
- admin/template/default/menu_editor.css
- admin/template/default/menu_editor_index.html
- admin/template/default/site_config_general.html
- template/default/listing_detail_slideshow.html
- template/default/saved_searches.html
- template/default/style_default.css
- template/html5/admin_bar.css
- template/html5/featured_listing_horizontal.html
- template/html5/lib/MIT-LICENSE.txt (DELETED)
- template/html5/lib/jquery.uniform.min.js (DELETED)
- template/html5/lib/superfish.js (DELETED)
- template/html5/listing_detail_default.html
- template/html5/main.html
- template/html5/popup.html
- template/html5/style.css
- template/lazuli/main.html
- template/lazuli/popup.html
- template/mobile/main.html
- template/mobile/page1_main.html
Download Information
Make sure to select the Package Download, as highlighted in this example screenshot.